Civic engagement in a democracy is an all-year, every-year responsibility, but one that takes on special urgency as a big election approaches. With national elections coming this fall, now is a great time to make sure you’re registered to vote—and to encourage your friends, classmates, and family to do the same.
Princeton’s goal is 100 percent civic engagement by our student body and community, and we’re part of a group of colleges that has committed to full student voter participation. I’m grateful to our student leaders for their energetic engagement with this initiative, and to the U.S. Department of Education for recently reminding colleges of their obligations to facilitate student voting.
Voting during your college years can be confusing. Do you register here or in your home state? (Either is fine, but not both!) What if you’re studying abroad during an election? (It’s easy to request an absentee ballot.) Can you be a poll worker? (Yes!)
To help sort through state-specific questions, Princeton’s Vote100 initiative has recently trained a group of undergraduate leaders to conduct voter education and engagement efforts between now and November. If you’re an undergrad, be on the lookout for outreach from one of these student leaders—and consider asking for ways you can help.
Whatever your political leanings, I hope you engage enthusiastically and deeply in our democracy and encourage everyone around you to do their part.